Monday, January 18, 2021

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a debilitating condition that primarily targets the lower face and jaw. A painful condition akin to an electric shock passing through your face, trigeminal neuralgia occurs when the trigeminal nerve, which moves sensation between the brain and face, is irritated. At Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center located in Nitro, WV, Dr. Jay McClanahan is passionate about helping his patients manage their pain, including those suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. 


Trigeminal neuralgia develops when the trigeminal nerve faces pressure. This happens when the nerve comes in contact with an artery or vein, when the nerve has a tumor, or when a person has Multiple sclerosis (MS). 

Symptoms and Triggers

Trigeminal neuralgia has two types of symptoms: Type I and Type II. 

Type Ⅰ:

Sharp throbbing pin-like pain is usually triggered by touching an area of the body. 

Type Ⅱ:

Less extreme symptoms like burning sensations or dull aching pain on the face. 


Trigeminal neuralgia is spontaneous for many patients. Many attack triggers include daily activities such as shaving, brushing teeth, eating, scratching the face, smiling, sipping cold or hot drinks, blowing the nose, crying, and much more. 

How Chiropractic Care Helps

Chiropractic care is all about the mind and body. At Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, WV, this holistic approach is no different. We believe in strengthening the entire body to end the negative symptoms of many illnesses. Dr. McClanahan recommends plenty of exercises, a healthy diet, and avoiding foods like caffeine and sugar which are prone to triggering trigeminal neuralgia. Since trigeminal neuralgia is a nerve condition, Dr. McClanahan will perform spinal adjustments to help relieve the pain. When a spine is misaligned, nerves are interfering with the spinal cord and blocking the brain from sending signals all over the body. This is why spinal adjustments are beneficial to reduce any pain you’re experiencing, including trigeminal neuralgia.

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520

Monday, January 11, 2021

How to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Health is wealth, as the popular saying goes. That’s why taking care of your body including your spine is important because it allows you to live longer and keeps dangerous diseases away. At Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Dr. Jay McClanahan is passionate about helping patients achieve healthy spines, the key to lifelong wellness. Here are three tips to keep your spine healthy. If you love these tips, contact our office in Nitro, WV to learn more! 

Exercise and Diet

Eating healthy and staying fit should be a no-brainer tip for better spinal health. If you want to take the extra step for spinal health, Dr. McClanahan will work with you to create a diet and exercise plan that fits your preferences and life. Good habits like exercise and healthy eating set you up for a strong and robust spine!

Correct Posture

Bad posture equals a host of issues for your spine. Slouched and hunched stances not only strain your spine but also cause back and neck pain. 

One of the best things you can do for your body right now is to correct your posture. If you’re sitting at a desk, keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Relax shoulders and position your knees at the same height as your hips. Feel free to use cushions or pillows to support your lower back.

If you’re standing, let your arms hang naturally on their sides. Stand up tall and straight, with your shoulders back and most of your weight on the balls of your feet. For long periods of standing, your Nitro, WV chiropractor recommends shifting your weight on each foot.

Spinal Adjustments

Spinal adjustments are the holy grail of chiropractic care. This treatment focuses on adjusting spinal misalignment or subluxation. Your spine misaligns because of many factors including injury and age. Dr. McClanahan uses gentle manipulations to revert your spine to its original position. These adjustments to your spine not only relieve pain when it comes to injury or chronic conditions but also serve as a preventative treatment.  Since your spine is connected to your entire body, adjustments are beneficial for reducing and preventing anxiety, stress, sleep, and mobility problems. Spinal adjustments also strengthen natural immunity and prevent injury risks. 

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520

Monday, January 4, 2021

Tension Headaches 101

Tension headaches (TH) affect about 1-3 percent of the world’s adult population, according to the World Health Organization. One of the most common headaches disorders, tension headaches are described as tightness or pressure around the neck and head. At Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center located in Nitro, WV, Dr. Jay McClanahan treats tension headaches with skilled expertise and a variety of therapies.

Symptoms of Tension Headaches

Dull aching pain in the head

Sensations of a tight band around the neck and head

Pressure around the neck and head

Tenderness of scalp, shoulders, and neck


It’s unknown what causes tension headaches. However, some scientific theories allude to stress, high levels of emotion, or muscle contractions in the face, shoulders, and neck as a cause for tension headaches. 


Treating a tension headache involves different types of treatment such as medication, stress management, and physiotherapy. Located in Nitro, WV, Dr. McClanahan uses electric muscle stimulation (EMS) and massage therapy to treat patients with tension headaches. In a typical EMS therapy session, your trusted chiropractor will deliver a series of low-energy pulses into the affected area of the body. This non-invasive and painless procedure aims to target the trigger points of the muscle area and reduce swelling. 

If you’re looking to get a massage for your tension headache, Dr. McClanahan suggests a deep tissue massage or a relaxation massage that relieves stress and tension in the muscle and body. Contact our office today to learn more about the different types of massage to treat tension headaches!

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Text Neck

As more and more teens are using social media, text neck is becoming an increasingly familiar term. Coined for the neck and back pain users gain while staring at a smartphone, the long-term effects of text neck syndrome on growth and development are unknown, but experts agree on the syndrome’s potentially detrimental effects on the spine. At Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, WV, Dr. Jay McClanahan offers tips and tricks to alleviate this condition, but also wants to spread awareness to his patients. Here is everything you need to know about text neck syndrome and how you and your child can practice good habits while using your cell phone. 

What Are the Effects of Text Neck?

Text neck has only been studied in adults so far, but experts believe the phenomenon is more prominent in kids and teens—a tech-savvy group that logs more hours in social media, texting, and screen time than any other generation. The effects of text neck in adults include neck and back pain as well as soreness. Common symptoms also include reduced mobility in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, muscle spasms, shoulder tightness, and pain. This excessive strain on the spine not only ruins good posture but leads to long-term health problems and invasive procedures like spine degeneration and surgery. 


One of the best ways to prevent or at least limit the damaging effects of text neck syndrome is something simple: staying away from your phone! Your Nitro, WV chiropractor advises exercising regularly, going outside, and moving around to prevent the neck and back pain that comes from staring at technological devices for too long. In a world where many are turning to their devices for entertainment, breaking this habit and being active together will serve as an investment for your family’s overall health and wellness.

Take Breaks

With everything online today and virtual school the norm, sometimes it may be inevitable to use a device for long periods. Generally, try to avoid being hunched over your smartphone for multiple hours, but if this is the case, take frequent breaks so your body doesn’t reap the negative effects of text neck. 

Maintain a Neutral Position

While you use your phone, it’s important to stay in a neutral position, which is refraining from a hunched back or moving your face forward towards the screen. Keep your device at eye level instead of bending your neck towards your screen to also be safe during cell phone use.


Alongside breaks, remember to stretch. Take a few minutes to arch your back and neck to relieve any tension and sore muscles before going back to your phone. Arch your back and neck to relieve sore muscles and tensions.

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520.