Friday, December 28, 2018

Kyphosis in Seniors

As people live longer and healthier, we’re becoming more aware that things that used to be regarded as natural parts of aging are actually preventable diseases. One of the best examples of that is the hyperkyphosis that is associated with the elderly. We’re experts in nutrition as well as spinal health at the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center, and we want our patients to understand how those things intertwine.

Kyphosis is the forward curvature of the upper back. Hyperkyphosis is an extreme stoop. It commonly afflicts older women as a result of osteoporosis. Our bones are constantly breaking down in a process called resorption and being rebuilt. In people with osteopenia, the breakdown is outpacing the rebuilding. When osteopenia becomes advanced, the bones are riddled with tiny holes, which is the condition “osteoporosis” describes.

Brittle bones easily develop hairline cracks. Their accumulative impact is one frequent cause of hyperkyphosis. While we can ease discomfort from osteoporosis through minimally invasive methods such as therapeutic massages, we also emphasize prevention through nutrition and exercise. In addition to calcium-rich foods and supplements, people may increase their calcium intake by exposing themselves to more sunlight. Low or no-impact exercise such as swimming and yoga can also build up back muscles, relieving pressure on the vertebrae.

Dr. Jay McClanahan operates the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center at 642 Cross Lanes Drive, Nitro, West Virginia, 25143. To schedule an appointment, visit Dr J Back Doc WV or call 304-776-1520.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Tailbone Injuries

The tailbone is the best-protected part of the spinal column, but the area surrounding it is still vulnerable to bruising. At the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, we see a lot of patients suffering from pain in this area, and we want to assure them that non-addictive, minimally invasive treatment is available.

Also known as the coccyx, the tailbone is made up of several fused vertebrae. It hangs from the end of the spinal column and has a small role in anchoring the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, but is mostly vestigial. We refer to pain in this area as “coccydynia.” It is likelier to be caused by bruising to soft tissues than a crack in the bone itself, although both can cause inflammation and are treated in similar ways.

Injuries to the tailbone are often associated with activities such as mountain biking, although bruises during childbirth are not uncommon. The body can heal bruising naturally, but it might do so faster after we provide an adjustment to relieve pressure or electric muscle stimulation to flush the bruise with fresh, nutrient-rich blood. Ultrasound treatment can ensure the bruise won’t heal in a way that will cause scars. We can also assign a low-impact exercise regimen that will enable the patient to regain a full range of motion and flexibility more quickly.

Dr. Jay McClanahan operates the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center at 642 Cross Lanes Drive, Nitro, West Virginia, 25143. To schedule an appointment, visit Dr J Back Doc WV or call 304-776-1520.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Nitro is dedicated to helping our patients remain flexible and comfortable despite the forces regularly put on their bodies. One of the most common musculoskeletal disorders is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This condition can put pressure on major nerves, causing pain and loss of muscle control, but at our office, we provide safe, non-invasive therapies.

The median nerve arises from the lower cervical an upper thoracic nerves. It runs the length of the arm, into the palm, and branches into the thumb and first four fingers. Along the way, it passes through a structure in the wrist called the carpal tunnel, which is made up of protective bones and ligaments. If the carpal tunnel is compressed, the median will be pinched, and the patient may feel numbness, dull pain, or tingling along the length of it and have difficulty moving their wrist and fingers.

CTS is usually an overuse injury. It is common among people who have to extend their hands and wrists for a long period and among people with conditions that cause inflammation. The carpal tunnel is densely packed with tendons, as well as the carpal nerve, and doesn’t have much room for swelling. People with CTS are advised to get rest and may have to wear arm braces to avoid flexing their wrists too much. But we can help them recover through methods such as therapeutic exercise, which will strengthen and improve the flexibility of the arm muscles, and therapeutic massages or electric muscle stimulation, which can relieve swelling.

Dr. Jay McClanahan operates the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center at 642 Cross Lanes Drive, Nitro, West Virginia, 25143. To schedule an appointment, visit Dr J Back Doc WV or call 304-776-1520.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Lifting Safety

People whose jobs require lots of physical labor are aware that there’s a right way and a wrong way to lift something. But people who have to carry heavy loads less frequently may not be aware of how to keep themselves safe. We see a lot of preventable injuries at the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, and while we’re always happy to help people get back on their feet, we want our patients to understand how to keep themselves in good condition.

The first step of lifting safety is to never lift anything unless necessary. If you’re carrying something heavy for work that isn’t normally a part of your job, request the use of a dolly. If you must carry something, get a feel on it first to determine its center of gravity. Clear your path of obstructions, prop open all doors, and have a plan for where you’re going to set the object down and which way it will be facing.

When you lift the object squat down in front of it and use your leg muscles to lift yourself up. Keep your head up and position the object so that it is at mid-chest level. As you walk, rotate your entire body around corners; do not just twist your torso. Use your legs to crouch down again while depositing the object, slowly sliding your fingers out from under it.

Dr. Jay McClanahan operates the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center at 642 Cross Lanes Drive, Nitro, West Virginia, 25143. To schedule an appointment, visit Dr J Back Doc WV or call 304-776-1520.