Thursday, May 27, 2021

What are Subluxations?


If you’re interested in learning more about spinal health and the importance of musculoskeletal alignment, you have probably encountered the term “subluxation.” Understanding subluxations is one of the key components of chiropractic, a philosophy of treatment that emphasizes non-invasive, non-addictive means of correcting misalignments. At the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, we offer several therapies for correcting subluxations and associated problems, and we want everyone to know why they should get examined for them.

A spinal subluxation is when a vertebra has become dislocated. Although this may be minor enough to not be noticeable to the patient for a while, it is often responsible for serious problems. A subluxated vertebra could compress a nerve, causing pain and numbness and interfering with the signals it sends the body. A subluxation in the lumbar, or lower spine, could cause pain along the leg, and a subluxation in the neck could cause pain along the arm or in the head. Even if a displaced vertebra isn’t affecting a nerve, it may be distorting the shape of the spinal discs, which cushion the vertebrae bodies, and compressing the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and blood vessels. This can cause soreness and inflammation.

The body has great potential to heal itself, but sometimes in order to do so, the dislocated vertebra has to be adjusted back into place. Chiropractors are trained to do this without harming the patient; many people even enjoy getting adjustments. We also offer several anti-inflammatory therapies, including therapeutic massage and electric muscle stimulation to ease blood flow into tissues that have been compressed.

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520. 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Weightlifting Safety


Weightlifting is an excellent way to maintain musculoskeletal fitness. As a fitness instructor as well as a chiropractor, Dr. Jay McClanahan of the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro has coached many people recovering from injuries to their backs and joints. And while weightlifting may not be suitable for everyone with an injury at every point in their recovery, it does strengthen the bones as well as the muscles, and decreases the risk of a person suffering an additional injury in the future. We can help patients to develop fitness plans for their individual circumstances, but there are a few safety rules for weightlifting everyone should follow.

As with any workout, you’ll need to start out with an aerobic warm-up. You should spend at least five minutes getting your blood pumping through your body (not doing static stretches, which could strain a cold muscle). Your fitness instructor can guide you through the proper form for each lift, but you should increase the length and strenuousness of your workouts slowly. Stop doing anything that hurts, and don’t attempt to lift heavy barbells without someone else present in the room. At the end of your workout, you’ll also need to do a five minute cooldown.

While lifting, you should keep your back straight and avoid turning your head. Control your breathing so that you inhale when you lower the weight and exhale while lifting or pressing. You’ll need to balance your workouts so you don’t work the same muscle group two days in a row or more than twice in a week, or you’ll risk incurring an overuse injury. However, keep in mind that your muscles and tendons can also become fatigued from a sedentary lifestyle, and that lifting weights properly will ultimately make you more flexible and resilient. 

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Vitamin D and Spinal Health


We hope you’ve been getting a chance to enjoy the longer days this spring. Getting adequate sunlight is essential for maintaining healthy bones. That may seem a bit strange, but at the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, we take a holistic approach to musculoskeletal care. That includes helping patients understand which conditions best facilitate the body’s natural healing, such as getting plenty of Vitamin D.

Our bones, including the vertebrae, are largely made up of calcium. There are various sources of calcium in our diets, including dairy and foods that are artificially fortified with it, such as breakfast cereals. But our bodies cannot process calcium on their own. For that, our guts need to be activated by a chemical called Vitamin D. Our skin creates Vitamin D when it is directly exposed to sunlight (as opposed to through a glass). When a person is not getting enough calcium or not getting enough Vitamin D to process it, their bones may resorb tissue faster than they are able to replace it. If that happens, they will gradually become thinner and honeycombed, at which point a person is said to be suffering from osteoporosis. 

People with osteoporosis may incur small fractures in their vertebrae from ordinary activity. They may not be able to feel this happening, but if they accumulate enough fractures, the bodies of the vertebrae will begin to collapse, causing the patient to lose height and stoop forward. Getting at least fifteen minutes of sunlight three times per week is recommended as a precaution against this, although people who are older or have darker skin may require more. Even if you’ve already experienced problems with your back, it’s never too late to improve your sunlight and calcium intake.

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520