Thursday, June 27, 2024

What Could Be Causing Lower Back Pain?


Lower back pain is an insidious condition that afflicts many millions of people around the world. The good news is that a chiropractor can help you uncover and treat the source of your aches. If you live in or near Nitro, WV, and need help with lower back pain, you owe it to yourself to get in touch with Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center.

The Most Common Causes of Back Pain

There is a seemingly infinite number of ways that someone could end up suffering back pain. However, we’re going to focus on the most common causes. Of course, the causes of your aches may differ, which is why it’s crucial to work with a chiropractor.


If you overexert yourself, say while moving boxes around the garage or tending to your garden, you may injure your back. Proper lifting techniques and warm-ups can reduce the risk of overexertion. A chiropractor can advise you on safety while carrying heavy objects or engaging in prolonged activity. Should you live in or near Nitro, WV, and are looking for lower back pain relief, come see Dr. Jay.

Degenerative Diseases

Over time, the body will break down. This is inevitable and is simply a part of life. That said, simply because the condition is natural, that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t treat it. Just the opposite, you’ll want to keep an eye out for conditions like herniated discs. If your condition is treated quickly, you might be able to dramatically slow the conditions’ progress, which will help you safeguard your mobility and quality of life.

Car Accidents

Traffic accidents are a common cause of pain in the back. When you get into an accident, tremendous forces will be exerted on the body. Besides lower back pain, these forces can strain your neck and other tissues, causing conditions such as whiplash.

Personal Injuries

If you should slip in the shower, you could hurt your spine and other tissues as well. Personal injuries are common and even exceptionally careful people may suffer them. If you or a loved one have experienced a personal injury, you should work with Dr. Jay.

Bad Ergonomics

If your bed, chair, office chair, desk, or anything else you frequently use offers bad ergonomics, it could lead to back strain and other issues. It’s crucial to ensure that your commonly used furniture offers good ergonomics. Fortunately, a chiropractor can advise you on the right furniture.

Sports Injuries

While playing sport is generally good for you and your loved ones, a hard collision on the field or overuse could leave you injured. Professional athletes often turn to chiropractors for help, and you can as well.

Interested in spinal decompression? Residing in or near Nitro, WV? Come to the Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic. You can get the conversation started by calling 304 776 1520.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Peripheral Neuropathy and How Chiropractors Can Help


Peripheral neuropathy can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, and other symptoms that impair your quality of life. Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center is dedicated to helping residents in and around Nitro, WV, find freedom from these symptoms so that they can get back to living their best.


Peripheral Neuropathy and Chiropractic Care

Your nervous system is a sophisticated electrical system running through and controlling operations within the body. In addition to organ function and other health-related areas, the nerves also impact your soft tissues.

When there is an issue in the nerves, they don’t relay messages properly, which can lead to a lack of function in the muscles and extremities. Fortunately, there is hope. Dr. McClanahan and the team at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, explain how chiropractic care can benefit those suffering from neuropathy below.


Discovering the Cause

There are many things that can impact the health and wellness of the nervous system, including your diet, health conditions like diabetes, and nerve compression or damage. Without understanding the reason for your condition, it’s hard to achieve relief. The first step in treatment is gaining an understanding of anything impacting your nerves.


Going to the Source

Once the root cause is identified, chiropractors get to work fixing it. This is critical, as most forms of treatment only work to relieve the symptoms. However, that relief is short-lived if the issue is still present. By addressing the actual cause of your nerve issues, you can achieve and maintain relief.


Customized Care

Chiropractors offer a range of services to ensure every patient receives what they need. Some techniques used for nerve issues include:

  • Adjustments to restore alignment throughout the musculoskeletal system, relieving pressure from joints, discs, nerves, and other components
  • Decompression therapy to gently stretch and create space between the bones, which also pulls in any herniated discs that may be putting pressure on your nerves
  • Soft tissue techniques like massage therapy, ultrasound therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation relieve pain, inflammation, and tension, as well as improve the flow of blood and nutrients to the area and stimulate healing in damaged tissues
  • Lifestyle adjustments to address nutritional needs or habits that may contribute to your pain


Find personalized relief from neuropathy in Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, and Teays Valley, WV, by calling (304) 776-1520 to schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

What is Spinal Decompression?

 Chiropractors are perhaps most well-known for providing hands-on care. That said, many chiropractors also use advanced tools and devices to relieve pain, improve mobility, and otherwise promote a patient’s well-being. One of the most effective devices is a spinal decompression machine. Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Nitro, WV, offers spinal decompression, so if you’d like to give this treatment a go, get in touch! You may be able to secure lasting pain relief.

Exploring Spinal Decompression

While the spine is remarkably strong, it can still be damaged. Further, over time, your spine may start to break down, becoming brittle and more prone to various issues. Spinal decompression can be used to stretch out your spine, which could relieve tension in the spine and surrounding tissues. It can also relieve pressure on the discs between your vertebrae.

When a patient undergoes spinal decompression, they lie down on a specialized table. From there, they’re connected to a specialized decompression machine. A chiropractor, such as Dr. Jay, will use advanced software to identify potential trouble spots and reduce the risk of mishaps.

The machine will use pulleys and other components to exert pressure on your body. Typically, the lower half of your body will be pulled away from the upper half. As the sides move away from each other, the spine is stretched out.

It’s crucial to work with an experienced chiropractor. While complications are very rare, doctors new to the technology may fail to use it optimally. Fortunately, residents of Nitro, WV, can access spinal decompression at the Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center.

What Can Spinal Decompression Treat?

Spinal decompression is highly adaptable and can be used to treat anything from general back pain to advanced and complicated conditions. In many cases, decompression might actually be the best choice as far as care is concerned.

A decompression machine is often used to treat:

  • Degenerative spine conditions - Sets in as joint cartilage slowly breaks down over time and the discs lose fluid.
  • Herniated discs - Occurs when a disc bulges out, pinching surrounding tissues.
  • Sciatica - Pressure on the sciatic nerve in the lower back can produce numbness and potentially pain.

The above list is not exhaustive by any means. If you’re interested in spinal decompression in Nitro, WV, schedule an appointment with Dr. Jay. You can reach the Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center team by calling 304 776 1520.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chiropractic Treatments for Shoulder Pain


Is shoulder pain making it hard to lift your arms or carry out simple tasks? Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center provides the residents of Nitro, WV, relief through personalized, natural, and effective care.


Chiropractic Treatments for Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a complex ball and socket joint that consists of ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, bursa, and bones. You put it to work every day as you lift, reach for, or carry things. Those who play sports and have physically demanding jobs put the shoulders through additional stress.

As the shoulder is so active in our daily lives, it often sustains or develops injuries such as sprains, dislocations, and tendonitis. Conditions like arthritis also lead to pain and suffering.

Unfortunately, these issues can negatively impact your life and make even small tasks hard to manage. Dr. McClanahan and the team at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, share how chiropractic treatments for shoulder pain can help.


Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Injuries and Pain

When your shoulder is in pain, you want that pain to go away as quickly as possible. However, relying on pain medication will only provide temporary relief. And if that pain medication helps you power through another day, there is a pretty good chance that you are worsening the issue you are dealing with.

Chiropractic care gets to the root of the pain and addresses it through the most natural methods possible. It treats the injury itself, instead of just covering up your symptoms. In doing so, there is nothing left to cause pain and the body can heal.


Chiropractic Treatments for Shoulder Injuries and Pain

Your treatment will be built around your needs, but will likely include one or more of the following.

  • Adjustments: Restoring alignment to both the spine and the shoulder are critical for relieving undue stress on the various components affecting the shoulders.
  • Massage therapy: Massage therapy can help reduce tension and inflammation in the joint.
  • Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound therapy is used to penetrate deep layers of tissue to break up tension and scar tissue, as well as improve blood flow.
  • EMS: Electrical muscle stimulation creates contractions that help relieve pain, tension, and inflammation.
  • Therapeutic exercises: Stretching and strengthening exercises are beneficial for relieving tension, improving range of motion, and repairing soft tissues.


Receive personalized care for your shoulder pain in Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, and Teays Valley, WV by calling (304) 776-1520 to schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Chiropractic Care to Reduce Chronic Inflammation


Suffering from chronic inflammation? Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, offers natural and lasting relief through customized treatment plans.


Chronic Inflammation and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Inflammation is a natural immune response to something going wrong within the body. In many cases, it goes away pretty quickly, but it’s considered chronic when it lasts for weeks or even years.

What causes inflammation to occur? And how can a chiropractor help? Dr. McClanahan and the team at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, share the answers below.


Understanding Inflammation

Your body is equipped with many natural processes to keep you healthy, safe, and free from injuries. When it detects certain stimuli, it works to remove them and prevent infection by sending white blood cells to the area.

This process happens in response to many things, including insect bites and splinters. However, it can also happen in response to:

  • Injuries, including misalignment, herniated discs, strains, sprains, and more
  • Certain foods
  • Stress
  • Arthritis
  • Poor sleeping
  • Smoking


How Can a Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors can be invaluable in treating inflammation, beginning with determining the underlying source. When you are unaware of what is causing your symptoms, it can be difficult to find relief. Chiropractors can assess your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, musculoskeletal system, and more to find the source.

Once located, your chiropractor can develop a personalized care plan to help you achieve relief. Some techniques can include the following.

  • Adjustments: Adjustments shift misaligned bones back into place. This can help relieve pressure on the bones, joints, soft tissues, and other musculoskeletal components, as well as improve nerve function. They can also help heal any underlying injuries.
  • Dietary changes: You can both fight inflammation and cause it, depending on what you eat. A chiropractor can recommend the best foods for your specific needs.
  • Exercises: Being active helps improve blood flow, which can naturally relieve inflamed areas.
  • Soft tissue techniques: Massage therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, and electrical muscle stimulation can all help relieve tension and other restrictions that are impeding proper blood flow. Massage therapy can also help with lymphatic drainage, which is beneficial when dealing with chronically inflamed areas.


Discover firsthand how chiropractic care can relieve chronic inflammation by visiting Dr. McClanahan and the team at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, and Teays Valley, WV. Call (304) 776-1520 to schedule an appointment today.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Help for Chronic Knee Pain


Are you living with ongoing knee pain in Nitro, WV? If so, you should consult with your local chiropractor, Dr. Jay McClanahan. He is an experienced and thoughtful chiropractor who will take the time to assess your situation and devise a holistic, non-invasive care plan. 

What Causes Painful Knees?

If you are active by way of sports or intense exercises that include jumping, kneeling, and quick starts, you put a lot of pressure and stress on your knee joints. People with arthritis may have inflammation in those same joints. Active people may also have ACL injuries. If you fall on your knee or have an accident, it can create a fracture of the kneecap. The fluid-filled sacs around the knee joint, known as the bursae, can also create pain when they become inflamed. Excessive weight can also be a culprit, as it puts additional pressure on your lower limbs, particularly your knees, whenever you walk, climb the stairs, and do general movement.


How Can Dr. McClanahan Help with Knee Pain in Nitro, WV?

If the source of knee issues is related to obesity, Dr. McClanahan has a weight loss program that may assist your knee recovery. With general nutritional guidance and accountability, you can lose the weight that is applying pressure to your knee. He can also create custom orthotics that fit your feet and aid in a proper gait. Thanks to his expertise in chiropractic massage, he can also focus on the soft tissue areas around your knee that need soothing relief, and use adjustments to the knee joints directly to ensure they are aligned.

The quality care at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center can help your body get back on track for proper balance of movement. Knee pain in Nitro, WV, can be hard to live with, but you can begin to eliminate that problem under the care of Dr. McClanahan. Call him today at 304-776-1520 for a consultation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Maintaining Good Posture While Driving


Posture is just as important while you’re driving as when you’re sitting at your desk. Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, shares how to keep your spine healthy in a vehicle.


3 Essential Tips for Driving With Good Posture

People spend a great deal of time in their vehicles, but even a few minutes of poor driving posture can impact your health and cause pain. In the guide below, Dr. McClanahan and the team at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, share some of the negative impacts of sitting improperly while you drive and tips to follow to improve your habits.


Effects of Poor Posture

Your spine needs to stay in a neutral position at all times. When it’s not, it can lead to:

  • Chronic back pain
  • Chronic neck pain
  • Digestive issues
  • Irritability
  • Poor nerve function
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Breathing trouble and more


1. Start With the Back of the Seat

One of the most important steps in practicing good posture while driving is ensuring your back has the right support. Sit with your tailbone as close to the back of the seat as possible. Adjust it in such a way that you can comfortably rest your back on the seat completely while still seeing over the steering wheel – at about a 100-degree angle. You should not have to lean up to see. If you are in the vehicle for long periods, or you just can't seem to get the back positioned well, consider adding some extra lumbar support.


2. Then Work On the Height and Proximity to the Steering Wheel

To see properly over the steering wheel, you might have to adjust the height. Be sure that your feet can easily reach the pedals and leave some space between the seat and the back of your knees.


3. Adjust the Steering Wheel and Mirrors

Once your seat is properly adjusted, take some time to adjust the mirrors and steering wheel. You should be able to see in the mirrors without leaning or straining. Your steering wheel should be adjusted in such a way that your hands can be in the proper driving position while your elbows remain at a relaxed angle.


Improve your posture and get help to undo the negative effects of driving by visiting Dr. McClanahan regularly at Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center of Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, and Teays Valley. Call (304) 776-1520 to schedule an appointment today.