There are many causes of lower back pain, but one of the most common is tightness in the hips. Our lumbar vertebrae are large bodies that connect to large muscles running through the pelvis and into the upper leg. Problems with those muscles may be felt on both their ends, and may further radiate outward. As experts in lower back care, we at the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro regularly help patients to recover from hip flexor strain through a variety of non-addictive, non-invasive means, and we want everyone to know when they should seek care.
The hip flexors include a few different muscles that allow us to bend down and lift up our knees. Injuries to those muscles are usually felt at the front of the hip and tend to be worse when a person is walking or jumping. But when these muscles tighten after being injured or underused, they pull on the lumbar spine and cause it to move stiffly. They may also swell, in which case they may press on the sciatic nerves, which exit the lumbar vertebrae and travel through the pelvis on their way down the legs. Symptoms of sciatica include pain, tingling, and numbness along the leg, and in severe cases, may be accompanied by loss of function.
Continuing to overuse the hip flexors following an injury risks increasing the size of the tear. But beginning a few days after the injury, a patient will need to begin gradually returning to activity in order to help the muscles rebuild and become more resistant to future wear. In addition to coaching a patient on physical therapy, we provide electric muscle stimulation to help relax swollen lower back muscles, allowing them to get fresh nutrients. We also provide ultrasound and low level laser therapy to improve blood flow, and chiropractic adjustments to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerves. Patients may have to stick to impactless exercises such as swimming or riding a stationary bicycle during their recovery, but they are usually able to regain full function and return to their usual activities.
Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520.