Saturday, October 5, 2019

Chiropractic Treatment for Stress Relief

Everyone experiences stress in their lives. It’s only when it becomes an everyday occurrence that treatment is needed. Dr. Jay McClanahan of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center offers stress management services. Located in Nitro, WV, we work with you to make healthy changes in your life. Our chiropractic treatments show you how to adjust your posture, minimize muscle tension, and relax your entire system.

Untreated stress creates a ripple effect across your entire system. It increases your risk for infection and mental health conditions, along with disrupting your sleep cycle. Your Nitro, WV, chiropractor understands that your entire body is connected. When one area is underperforming, your whole body suffers. Don’t let untreated stress result in backaches, headaches, and muscle tension. Schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan today.

Our goal when treating your stress is restoring normal bodily functions. The first line of treatment is massages. This relieves the body’s stress reaction. Gently invigorating the soft tissues relieves muscle tension.

A blockage in your spine both causes and is caused by a misalignment. Removing the blockage alleviates your symptoms. At your appointment, your chiropractor evaluates your spine. Dr. McClanahan locates a blockage, then uses his hands or a small tool to push the area back into place.

Correcting your posture allows muscle relaxation. When you’re stressed, your posture takes a hit. Learning the recommended relaxation techniques and posture exercises brings your body back to normal.

Don’t feel down when you’re stressed out! The chiropractic staff here at Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center can help. Located in Nitro, WV, Dr. Jay McClanahan is available by appointment. To schedule an appointment with him, visit his website or call 304-776-1520.

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