Saturday, May 22, 2021

Weightlifting Safety


Weightlifting is an excellent way to maintain musculoskeletal fitness. As a fitness instructor as well as a chiropractor, Dr. Jay McClanahan of the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro has coached many people recovering from injuries to their backs and joints. And while weightlifting may not be suitable for everyone with an injury at every point in their recovery, it does strengthen the bones as well as the muscles, and decreases the risk of a person suffering an additional injury in the future. We can help patients to develop fitness plans for their individual circumstances, but there are a few safety rules for weightlifting everyone should follow.

As with any workout, you’ll need to start out with an aerobic warm-up. You should spend at least five minutes getting your blood pumping through your body (not doing static stretches, which could strain a cold muscle). Your fitness instructor can guide you through the proper form for each lift, but you should increase the length and strenuousness of your workouts slowly. Stop doing anything that hurts, and don’t attempt to lift heavy barbells without someone else present in the room. At the end of your workout, you’ll also need to do a five minute cooldown.

While lifting, you should keep your back straight and avoid turning your head. Control your breathing so that you inhale when you lower the weight and exhale while lifting or pressing. You’ll need to balance your workouts so you don’t work the same muscle group two days in a row or more than twice in a week, or you’ll risk incurring an overuse injury. However, keep in mind that your muscles and tendons can also become fatigued from a sedentary lifestyle, and that lifting weights properly will ultimately make you more flexible and resilient. 

Dr. Jay McClanahan is the owner and chiropractor of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Our office is located in Nitro, WV. To schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan visit our website or call 304-776-1520. 

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