Thursday, December 29, 2022

Common Contributors to Lower Back Pain


Lower back pain is a common cause of visits to a chiropractor. According to the NIH, it is estimated that almost a quarter of the world's adult population suffers from pain in the lower back. Dr. Jay McClanahan of Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center serves Nitro, WV, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, and Teays Valley. Many things can cause lower back pain and the treatments recommended will often depend on the cause. 

Muscle strain

Muscle strain can result from repetitive motions or from lifting things incorrectly. You don't have to lift something heavy, it is more about using your legs, not your back, to take the brunt of the stress. Electric muscle stimulation is one therapy your chiropractor can use to help the muscles to relax and relieve the pain. 


Pregnancy shifts the center of balance in the body and the baby can press on nerves that result in back pain. Massage therapy can be especially beneficial for pregnant women and their babies. 

Disc issues

Disc issues can be caused by an injury or just from aging. The discs are the cushion located between your vertebrae that allow them to move freely. A damaged disc can press on the nerves along the spine and this results in pain. Relieving that pressure is what is needed. This can be done with spinal decompression, which stretches the spine to allow more space between the vertebrae. A vacuum is created that pulls the disc back into its correct location, relieving the pressure. 


Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. In 80% of cases, the cause is unknown, making it hard to prevent. Depending on the curvature, it may or not cause lower back pain in children, but for adults with scoliosis caused by aging bones, it can be very painful.  

Not being physically fit

Having a strong core helps to keep your spine healthy and strong, which helps with fewer cases of lower back pain. Your muscles help support the spine and making sure they are in good condition to do their job is vital for your back. 

Traumatic injury

If your lower back is injured, you will likely result in lower back pain. Falls, auto accidents, sports, and sometimes just moving the wrong way can result in pain that can make any movement excruciating. Your chiropractor can help with exercises and adjustments to help you to get back to your normal life.

You can count on Dr. McClanahan of Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Nitro, WV to help with your lower back pain.  Give our office a call today at 304-776-1520 to make an appointment. We are accepting new patients. 

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