Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Potential Causes of Neck Pain


Neck pain, a common condition, often starts in the neck region but can radiate down one or both arms. The causes of neck pain (a.k.a. cervicalgia) can be attributed to various diseases/disorders, injuries, or trauma affecting the various components of the neck. If you experience acute or ongoing neck pain, Dr. Jay McClanahan of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Nitro, WV, can determine the underlying cause and help to reduce pain/discomfort that can disrupt your life.

The neck is defined by a complex network of bones and tissue. When the cervical spine/nerves become unnecessarily compressed, the pain can be intense because the body’s nerves connecting the signals from the brain to the rest of the body transverse through the neck region.

Neck Pain Symptoms

The cervical spine, with its seven defined vertebrae referenced as C1-C7, is the section of the spine associated with the neck. Small intervertebral discs between these spinal bones provide flexibility and shock absorption. Neck pain can manifest in the following ways -

  • Pain that ranges in intensity, which may be in the neck or radiating down the shoulder, arms, and hands.
  • Stiffness, muscle spasms, soreness, or tenderness in the neck region.
  • Headaches, which may make you dizzy/lightheaded.
  • Weakness in the hands.
  • Problems swallowing/speaking.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

The typical causes of neck pain are generated from muscle strain or stress/tension, often resulting from everyday activities. These activities include –

  • Sitting at a desk for extended periods, especially if the computer screen is positioned too low/high.
  • Poor posture while watching TV or reading.
  • Sleeping in an awkward position.
  • Lifting things too quickly or using ill-advised lifting methods.  
  • Twisting/turning your neck jarringly while exercising.

In addition, a fall or accident may result in a severe neck injury like whiplash, a vertebral fracture, or more.

Medical conditions that may generate neck pain include –

  • Disc Degeneration.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Ruptured disk.
  • Cervical arthritis or spondylosis.
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal).
  • Small fractures caused by osteoporosis.
  • Sprains/Trauma/Injury/Overuse.
  • Infection of the spine (osteomyelitis, diskitis, abscess).

Neck Pain Treatment Options

These are the most common neck pain treatments at the Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center-

  • Gentle spinal manipulations/adjustments.
  • DTS Therapy/Spinal Decompression.
  • Massage Therapy –
    • Relaxation Massage.
    • Deep Tissue massage.
    • Sports Massage.
    • Swedish Massage.
    • Pregnancy Massage.
    • Youth Massage.
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound.
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation.
  • Therapeutic Exercise, and more.

Dr. McClanahan looks forward to providing customized chiropractic guidance and therapeutic exercises to help relieve neck pain and prevent a future reoccurrence.

Contact a Leading in Nitro, WV, Chiropractor Today

For more information, contact Dr. McClanahan or a team member of Dr. J Chiropractic & Wellness Center at 304-776-1520 or online.

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