If bursitis is impacting your work, sport, or daily life in Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, or Teays Valley, WV, Dr. Jay McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center is here to help you achieve the relief you desire.
Guide to Chiropractic Care for Bursitis
Many active people suffer from bursitis, but few actually understand what it is – or how it can be treated. This can be a problem because knowledge is one of the most important aspects of seeking the care you need. As such, Dr. McClanahan and our team at Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center – your chiropractor in Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, and Teays Valley, WV – put together this guide to help you be more informed.
What Exactly is Bursitis?
The human body contains various protective mechanisms – one of these is known as a bursa. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions the tendons and bones of the joint. It’s there to prevent the tissues from rubbing against one another, causing pain and friction.
Unfortunately, these sacs can become inflamed due to repetitive motion and overuse. This is known as bursitis. Many athletes and those who work physically demanding jobs often develop bursitis in the knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. It makes movement more difficult and discomfort to be a regular part of life.
How Does Chiropractic Care Help?
Chiropractors employ various methods for treating bursitis, starting with adjustments. Restoring the alignment of the skeletal system reduces inflammation and promotes healing throughout the body.
Soft tissue therapy can be invaluable for bursitis. It not only addresses inflammation but can also help restore range of motion, increase flexibility, improve blood flow, and release tension.
Chiropractic care also utilizes the power of lifestyle adjustments for healing. Nutritional guidance can teach you what foods contribute to inflammation and which ones fight it. Adjusting your exercise or learning better lifting techniques can prevent inflammation and pain. These are just a couple of examples of lifestyle adjustments, but Dr. McClanahan will recommend the best ones for your needs. He’ll also recommend specific therapeutic exercises that can further enhance healing and prevent future inflammation and pain.
Pain and discomfort from bursitis don’t have to be your “normal.” Call (304) 776-1520 to schedule an appointment with Dr. McClanahan at Dr. J Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Nitro, Cross Lanes, Charleston, St. Albans, or Teays Valley, WV today.
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