Arthritis is a disease that affects at least 25% of the population, according to the OASH. There are several types of arthritis out there, but they all involve excessive pain and inflammation in the joints. It's commonly treated with medications that suppress the immune system, but did you know arthritis symptoms can often be reduced without this type of intervention? At Dr. J. Chiropractic and Wellness Center of Nitro, WV, we advocate for the use of holistic, non-invasive treatment methods wherever possible, and also use them on a complementary basis. In this article, we'll cover some of the best ways to manage arthritis naturally.
1. Exercise at your Level
Exercise is a great way to lubricate the joints and reduce extra weight. Being overweight places excess strain on the joints and worsens symptoms, but it's important to choose exercises that don't irritate your condition. Low-impact exercise is usually recommended in these situations. Things such as walking, biking, and swimming will allow you to stay active in a healthy way.
2. Herbs and Other Natural Remedies
Herbs have been used for millennia to resolve health issues. Some of them boil down to superstition, but some of them have serious evidence of their effectiveness. Tumeric, for example, is extremely effective at reducing joint pain and inflammation. Hot and cold therapy and meditation are also sometimes effective at relieving arthritis symptoms.
3. Healthy Lifestyle Changes
All of the common unhealthy lifestyle habits exacerbate arthritis. They may even be underlying causes of it. This includes smoking, drinking, and unhealthy diets. If you're unsure which of your habits contribute to your symptoms, feel free to reach out to Dr. J. Chiropractic and Wellness Center of Nitro, WV. Dr. McClanahan is available for consultations to discuss your situation. Surprisingly, stress also has a serious impact on arthritis. Try to keep calm and cut stress out of your life. You might just feel better!
Give us a call at (304) 776-1520. We look forward to hearing from you!